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high quality hermes replica uk The victim had ended the relationship because of Condron’s abusive behaviour. (Picture posed by modeks.) (Image: ThinkStockPhotos)Get the biggest daily stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeThank you for subscribingSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailA 44 year old punched through the door of his ex girlfriend’s home and smashed two chandeliers with a metal pole.Brian Condron, of Station Road, Oakington, was drunk and screaming during the rampage, and later tried to flee the UK, Cambridge Crown Court heard.The victim had ended her 18 month relationship with Condron due to his abusive behaviour a fortnight before he raided replica hermes belt uk her home.Rampage at ex girlfriend’s home At around 2.30am on August 12, 2018, Condron called the victim Hermes Handbags and said he was coming round to her house. She called a taxi and went to a friend’s house, hoping to avoid confrontation.When the woman came home around 4am, she noticed that lights she had previously switched off were on.She made sure Condron wasn’t in the house and then plugged in her phone to charge in case she needed to call for help.She went upstairs and when she came down, Condron stormed through the back door.He punched a hole in a wooden door with his fist and was holding a metal pole in his left hand.Read MoreHe screamed at the woman continuously, much of it incoherent, and accused her of being with a man while she was out of the house.Condron went into the lounge and smashed the pole into two chandeliers, screaming “Who is he? I hear you” and causing one of the chandeliers to fall to the floor.He then went outside, followed by the woman, and continued to wave the metal pole around.The court heard he carried on screaming and threatened to hit the victim and her car with the pole.He then fled on his bicycle and the victim called the police.Apprehended Condron was arrested four days later while sitting in a VW Golf in Oakington.The court heard his passport was on the front passenger seat and the car was full of clothes.In an interview with police he said he was drunk at the time of the rampage, having had seven cands of lager since 9pm and brought four with him.He said the back door was open when he walked in and he picked up the metal pole as he “hoped another man was hermes belt replica aaa in the house”.. high quality hermes replica uk

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