“You see THIS is the mentality that I have a problem with

McCrummen started digging and contacting people whose names had been mentioned in connection to the allegations. Soon vibrators, investigative reporter Beth Reinhard joined her in Alabama, and the pair spent weeks knocking on doors, chasing tips and vetting the stories of several women who eventually agreed to publicly discuss their past encounters with Moore.With the help of Post researcher Alice Crites, the journalists found that the rumors about Moore were based on credible accounts of his past behavior with young women and underage girls.For their reporting on the allegations against Moore a series of stories that would ultimately impact the outcome of a critical special election McCrummen, Reinhard and Crites were named Tuesday among the winners of the 69th annual George Polk Awards in Journalism, one of the profession’s most revered prizes.The award for McCrummen, 47, Reinhard vibrators, 49 vibrators, and Crites, 54, was one of two honors for The Washington Post. The judges of the Polk Awards, which will be presented by Long Island University at a ceremony in Manhattan in April, also recognized the work of journalists at The Post and the New York Times with a special award for “their extraordinary effort in uncovering the connection between the Trump presidential campaign and the Kremlin that led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation vibrators,” according to a statement by the university.McCrummen, Reinhard and Crites’s continuing coverage of Moore dominated headlines and reverberated across the political sphere in the weeks before the Dec.

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