) But why, WHY is it okay to show somebody getting shot and

When you have difficulty with communicating with your boyfriend, can you identify any circumstances that make a problem more likely? It can help if both you and he are more aware of when it might be harder, and maybe it’s easier to find solutions. Just as a few ideas: do you find some kinds of sounds easier to hear than others? If so, if you don’t always hear when he calls, might it help if he made some other sound to attract your attention, for example clapping once loudly? If he’s close to you, you both might find it quicker and less hassle for him to tap you twice firmly on the back of the hand, lower or upper arm to get your attention. (That’s a personal favourite of mine and also fairly standard within the Deaf community, which uses touch much more frequently and easily than most hearing communities do.) Also, in rooms with floorboards (or any floor other than concrete, really) dildos, stamping firmly on the ground sends vibrations that you can feel and can attract your attention that way..

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