I guess that I the cis male version of you

Having such a high sex drive has not been quite the blessing that some would think. I guess that I the cis male version of you. I heard from partners, “What?! Again??! Is it all about the sex for you?”. You need the remote to use the bullet. There are no power functions on the bullet itself. If you misplace or lose the remote the bullet is useless.

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Realistic Dildo I just wanted to ask because I became a bit concerned when this happened.For a few months, I haven’t had sex sex toys, so I assumed that the size of my vagina had regained its original size so I figured that it’d hurt the first time I did it again, but I wasn’t sure.Recently, I’ve been seeing someone else and when we do it, it hurts for a little bit before it changes into a mixture of a little bit of pain and pleasure. And just the other day, I bled after we did it and I couldn’t figure out why. I knew I was sore because I’m a rather small, petite person and his little friend was pretty big and he himself, is pretty tall (about a whole foot taller or so) and I just hadn’t really gotten used to his size.We always use a lubricated condom and I’m always really wet when we start having intercourse Realistic Dildo.