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That model shared most of its design inside with the hugely expensive Volkswagen Phaeton saloon (which later turned out to be a massive sales flop) and that meant lashings of fake wood and impeccable build quality.In contrast, the current Touareg looks and feels more like an upmarket version of the Passat. There’s nothing wrong with that, as the large family car has a class leading interior, and if you’ve never sat in a Mk1 model you won’t know what you’re missing. But we can’t help feeling a bit let down although Volkswagen has at least tried to add a bit more of a premium feel inside with its latest round of updates, and the Mk2 Touareg now seems more worthy of its price tag inside than it did when it was first launched.Sat nav, stereo and infotainmentA big, bright, eight inch touchscreen takes pride of place in the centre of the Touareg’s dashboard.